Thursday, January 20, 2011

Boise Attorney Discusses Filing a DBA and Registering a Small Business in Idaho

As a Small Business Attorney in Boise I often get questions about DBAs in Idaho. If you have a small business or a large business for that matter and you operate your business with an assumed name you are required to file a DBA with the Secretary of State's office. You must do this before you start operating your small business.

You must also decide what legal status your business will be. Many small business owners choose to run their businesses as an LLC (limited liability company). You can also choose to operate your small business as a sole proprietorship, partnership, a LLP (limited liability partnership), limited partnership, a corporation, an S corporation, a C corporation, a non-profit corporation, a professional services corporation, or a PLLC (professional limited liability company.)

How you choose to register your small business will affect your liability as a small business and your tax consequences.

If you open a small business with employees or your small business has retail sales, you must also register with the Idaho Tax Commission, the Idaho Department of Labor and the Idaho Industrial Commission.

If you need to speak to a small business attorney in Boise call (208) 472-2383 or visit for more information.

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