Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Boise Criminal Lawyer Discusses Drug Court

As a Boise Criminal Lawyer I often hear from people wanting to know if they or their friends or family are eligible for drug court. Drug Court was established as an alternative sentencing for drug charges. You do not have a right to be admitted to drug court but you can be considered after you undergo a criminal assessment and a substance abuse assessment. You absolutely cannot be considered for Drug Court, however if you are charged, have been plead or have been found guilty of a violent crime or a felony crime where a deadly weapon or firearm was used. You also cannot be considered for Drug Court if you were charged, plead or found guilty of a felony attempt, intent to commit, or conspired to commit a sex crime.

Drug Court provides alternative sentencing in the fact that it provides for graduated sanctions and rewards, substance abuse treatment, court monitoring and supervision of progress, educational and/or vocational and any other requirement set forth by the Court.

Idaho Courts have acknowledged that the use of drugs in Idaho is a serious problem. Drug Court in Idaho was established to help reduce over crowding in jails and to help get treatment for those who use drugs. As a Boise Criminal Attorney I see it as a good opportunity for individuals to turn their lives around after they have been caught up using drugs and are convicted of drug charges.

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