Friday, February 25, 2011

Boise Divorce Attorneys and Mediation

Boise Divorce Attorneys will tell you that in most divorce cases in Idaho their clients are ordered to mediation. Judges in Boise routinely order mediation of outstanding custody and visitation issues. Boise Divorce Attorneys can also tell you that their clients often balk at having to attend mediation. There is a cost involved as well as time. Some parties are unhappy if the mediator is a woman, others are unhappy if the mediator is a man.

Many people see mediation as a hassle and unnecessary. Divorce lawyers, however, will tell you that mediation has its place in divorce and custody cases. Mediation can allow the parties to work out a custody and visitation schedule that works for them. If the parties can agree, and that is often the difficult part, they can decide for themselves who will have the child and when. If the parties do not come to an agreement during the mediation, their custody attorneys will argue each of their sides in court at trial. Each attorney will put forward why custody placed with their client is in the best interest of the child. The judge will listen to each lawyer and make a decision based upon a whole lot of evidence.

Now, while one party may "win", the question remains whether or not the court ordered visitation and custody schedule makes the best sense for the child and the parents. The standard alternating weekends and long summer vacation is not necessarily a convenient custody and visitation schedule. Or, you might find that alternating week on, week off is too disruptive.

Mediation may or may not work for you, but as a Boise Divorce Attorney I suggest to all my clients that they give it a good shot. It can be helpful and it most often makes the best sense for you and your ex to decide custody and visitation schedules instead of a judge. If the parties decide, there is often less need for modification because the decision is based upon their schedules not upon what the judge thinks will work.

If you need to speak with a Boise Divorce Attorney, please call (208) 472-2383

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